Our services.

Media Training

Whether you’re a seasoned executive preparing for a big announcement, or an emerging leader anxious to be interviewed for the first time, media training is a valuable exercise to ensure you can deliver your message confidently and consistently while navigating risk and strengthening your reputation.

We’ll take you behind the scenes of a newsroom to share what’s really going on inside a reporter’s head and prepare you for the questions they’ll likely ask. We’ll help identify your key messages, practice interview techniques in a recorded mock interview, and teach you how to take control of the narrative when faced with a difficult question or crisis scenario.

You’ll walk away with:

  • A handbook of techniques for future reference;

  • A recording of your interview with personalized, expert feedback; and

  • The confidence to tackle any media opportunity that lies ahead.

Executive Presence Coaching

What you say, how you say it and the perception your audience has of you is an important part of your personal brand. Many of the principles taught in traditional media training can be applied in any public-facing scenario to help enhance the way you represent yourself and your organization. From a sales pitch or boardroom presentation to an industry conference, it’s important that your audience trusts, understands and remembers your message.

We’ll teach you how to organize, refine and deliver messages in a way that makes sense to your audience. You’ll learn how to ditch filler words and bad habits while enhancing your natural abilities and appearance. We’ll help you weave in stories to keep an audience engaged and provide techniques to keep your cool while answering tough questions. Most importantly, you’ll have a chance to practice your pitch, speech or presentation with us and receive real time feedback.

We’ll provide you with:

  • A handbook of verbal and non-verbal techniques to communicate effectively;

  • Tools to reduce anxiety and speak confidently;

  • A recording of your performance with personalized, expert feedback; and

  • A rehearsed pitch, speech or presentation you can feel good about!

Public Relations

Nothing is more valuable than getting your organization in front of the right audience in the right channel. Media exposure can create demand for your product, build trust in your organization and connect with your target audience in memorable ways that leave a lasting impact. That said, negative publicity can crush your business and tarnish your reputation. We can help get your organization the coverage you’re craving by uncovering new story angles that set you up for success. Through an earned, owned or paid strategy, we’ll help you generate buzz that makes a difference.

Work with us to:

  • Generate an editorial calendar to tell your story during natural news cycles;

  • Brainstorm new angles to share how you’re different than competitors;

  • Draft press releases, media alerts, FAQs, fact sheets, speeches and leader biographies; and

  • Engage outlets that make sense for your story and your organization.

Crisis Communications

In today’s fast paced media environment, reputations seem to be built and broken overnight. Issues can strike at any time and snowball before you or your company is ready to respond. One of the best ways to prevent reputational damage is to have a crisis communications plan in place before disaster strikes.

We’ll help you create a robust crisis communications plan full of templated scenarios, step-by-step actions, media statements and stakeholder communications to ensure you’re prepared to handle any issue at a moment’s notice.

We can help you:

  • Save critical time by knowing who to engage and what to say at every stage;

  • Identify key internal and external audiences and what they need to know;

  • Draft likely scenarios and templated responses; and

  • Feel prepared to navigate any issue with confidence.

We’re here to help.

We’re proud to offer trusted communications counsel when our clients need it most. If you have communications needs or questions, we’d love to help!

Reach out to Ellen at:
